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Terms and Conditions

Cyril Tyrone Hübscher, Thomas Julier, Judith Kakon, Teo Petruzzi, Amalia Ulman

[EN] „The madman jumped into their midst and pierced them with his eyes. ‚Whither is God?‘ he cried; ‚I will tell you. We have killed him – you and I. All of us are his murderers.’” Nietzsche wrote 1882 in The Joyful Wisdom. The concept of the enlightened subject was supposed to offer redemption from dependence on a God-given morality, from a self-image as being controlled by instinct and designed to increase pleasure – a subject which had to be restrained, because it was not possible for it to develop morality from within itself (and together with others). Discarding the need for guidance promised the subject individual freedom, provided it uses its mind and takes personal responsibility. This rational, autonomous, self-responsible subject now lives in ludocapitalist societies in which personal freedom is limited to the ability to choose between different types of consumption. It thus becomes a consumer citizen that decides what to consume and considers the decision as an act of self-responsibility. But the illusionary character of the rational, autonomous subject seems to grow ever clearer in the glittering paradise of pleasurable sounds. We find ourselves in a world of Polly Pocket, playing in a self-determined and enlightened way on prepared paths, with possible practices and suggested self-images that can even appear in the form of a fox-human-hybrid. Write me back if you would like to know more details 😉 Creating knowledge becomes archaeological work that interrupts the comfort flow. The diggings remain vague and the findings clouded by mechanisms that learn from the very attempts to see through their veils. In the endless rotation on the hovering chair, in the centrifugal swing of the small carousel‘s seats, we recognize the futility of uncovering the repeating tricks in their ever-changing formulas. Welcome!

Terms and Conditions stands in dialogue with the magazine Moral Economy Confidence Game with text contributions by David Dagn, Celia Martín, Silke Meyer, Aliza Shvarts.

[DE] „Der tolle Mensch sprang mitten unter sie und durchbohrte sie mit seinen Blicken: ‚Wohin ist Gott?‘ rief er, ‚ich will es euch sagen! Wir haben ihn getötet, – ihr und ich! Wir alle sind seine Mörder!‘“, schrieb Nietzsche 1882 in Die fröhliche Wissenschaft. Die Idee des aufgeklärten Subjekts sollte Erlösung bieten von der Abhängigkeit einer gottgegebenen Moral, von einem Selbstbild als triebgesteuertes, auf Vermehrung von Lust angelegtes Wesen, das es zu zügeln galt, denn es war ihm nicht möglich, aus sich selbst heraus (und zusammen mit anderen) eine Moral zu entwickeln. Das Ablegen der Notwendigkeit einer Führung versprach dem Subjekt Freiheit, sofern es selbst den Geist gebraucht und Verantwortung übernimmt. Dieses rational-autonome, selbstverantwortliche Subjekt lebt heute in ludokapitalistischen Gesellschaften, in denen sich die Freiheit auf die Wahlmöglichkeit zwischen verschiedenen Arten des Konsums beschränkt. Es wird zum Consumer Citizen, das selbst entscheidet, was es konsumiert, und diese Entscheidung als selbstverantwortliches Handeln versteht. Doch der illusionäre Charakter des rational-autonomen Subjekts scheint im Glitzerparadies lustvoller Klänge immer deutlicher zu werden. Wir befinden uns in einer Welt von Polly Pocket, spielen selbstbestimmt und aufgeklärt auf vorbereiteten Wegen, mit möglichen Praktiken und angebotenen Selbstbildern, die auch mal die Form eines Fuchs-Mensch-Hybrides annehmen können. Write me back if you would like to know more details 😉 Wissen herzustellen wird zur archäologischen Arbeit, die den Fluss des Komfortablen unterbricht. Die Ausgrabungen bleiben vage und getrübt von Mechanismen, die aus den Versuchen lernen, ihre Schleier zu durchblicken. In der endlosen Drehung auf dem Schwebestuhl des Karussells, im zentrifugalen Schwung der kleinen Sitze, erkennen wir die Sinnlosigkeit, die wiederkehrenden Tricks in ihren ewig verändernden Formeln zu entlarven. Willkommen!

Terms and Conditions erscheint im Dialog mit dem Magazin Moral Economy Confidence Game mit David Dagn, Celia Martín, Silke Meyer, Aliza Shvarts.


exhibition view, Terms and Conditions, For, Basel


exhibition view, Terms and Conditions, For, Basel


Teo Petruzzi, HappY Family, 2023, puffer jackets, embroidery, door wardrobe, 120 × 53 × 24 cm


Teo Petruzzi, closeup of HappY Family, 2023


exhibition view, Terms and Conditions, For, Basel


Teo Petruzzi, Stream #5 (A lakeside view, with a few white motor boats bobbing up and down on lazy waves and fine palm tree leafs slowly brushing up on a pastel yellow bungalow, after the owner of the camera found out that I had been watching him through his own surveillance stream), 2018, jpg, 4:3, screenshot, black & white, mono, crt monitor


Thomas Julier, Elbow Segments, 2023, acrylic paint on fibre glass, sanded and polished fibre glass, 125 x 35 x 53 cm


Thomas Julier, Elbow Segments, 2023, acrylic paint on fibre glass, sanded and polished fibre glass, 125 x 35 x 53 cm


exhibition view, Terms and Conditions, For, Basel

Amalia Ulman, video-excerpt of The Future Ahead, 2014, folding chairs, mov, 16:9, color, sound, 16‘15“


Teo Petruzzi, HAPPY FAMILY, 2023, puffer jackets, embroidery, heart pendants, 73 × 40 × 18 cm


Teo Petruzzi, closeup of HAPPY FAMILY, 2023


Thomas Julier, 2021-08-01 00:00:10 – 2021-06-21 18:48:04, 2023, pigment prints on archival paper, acrylic paint on wooden frame, 60 x 90 x 3.5 cm each


Thomas Julier, 2021-08-01 00:00:10 – 2021-06-21 18:48:04, 2023, pigment prints on archival paper, acrylic paint on wooden frame, 60 x 90 x 3.5 cm each


Thomas Julier, 2021-08-01 00:00:10 – 2021-06-21 18:48:04, 2023, pigment prints on archival paper, acrylic paint on wooden frame, 60 x 90 x 3.5 cm each


Teo Petruzzi, Stream #12 (home), 2019, mp4, 16:9, color videoloop on monitor, no sound, 5‘55“

Teo Petruzzi, video-excerpt of Stream #12 (home), 2019, mp4, 16:9, color videoloop on monitor, no sound, 5‘55“


exhibition view, Terms and Conditions, For, Basel


Teo Petruzzi, HappY FAMily, 2023, puffer jackets, embroidery, craft beads, 93 × 62 × 24 cm


Teo Petruzzi, closeup of HappY FAMily, 2023


Cyril Tyrone Hübscher, BLEIB WACH! (architecture model of the subway station „Hauptwache“ in Frankfurt am Main), 2023, birthday candles, glitter, epoxyresin, PLA-prints, acrylic glass, spraypaint, mdf, lametta, led-lamp, 200 x 120 x 17 cm


Cyril Tyrone Hübscher, closeup of BLEIB WACH! (architecture model of the subway station „Hauptwache“ in Frankfurt am Main), 2023


Cyril Tyrone Hübscher, closeup of BLEIB WACH! (architecture model of the subway station „Hauptwache“ in Frankfurt am Main), 2023


Cyril Tyrone Hübscher, closeup of BLEIB WACH! (architecture model of the subway station „Hauptwache“ in Frankfurt am Main), 2023


Judith Kakon, Alibaba Stickers, 2016/17, digital print on self-adhesive labels, 8 x 10 cm each


Judith Kakon, Alibaba Stickers, 2016/17, digital print on self-adhesive labels, 8 x 10 cm each


Judith Kakon, Alibaba Stickers, 2016/17, digital print on self-adhesive labels, 8 x 10 cm each


Judith Kakon, Alibaba Stickers, 2016/17, digital print on self-adhesive labels, 8 x 10 cm each